es-Unoisetion cavitation FX-S17


    6 in 1 Unoisetion Cavitation 40KHz 3D Smart RF Vacuum Massage Cold Face Lifting

  • 40k Cavitation For Cellilute Slimming

  • Sextupole Radio Frequency for Body Slim

  • Quadrupole Radio Frequency For Body & Face Massage

  • Tripolar Radio frequency for Face Lifting

  • Vacuum with Bipolar Radio Frequency for Body Slim

1. 40K Unoisetion Ultrasound Handle

2. Vacuum&Bipolar RF Handle With Photon

3. Sextupolar RF Handle w/ Photon

4. Quadrupole RF Handle w/ Photon

5. 3-Polar RF Handle w/ Photon

6. Cold Hammer


40K Unoisetion Cavitation 2.0 Handle with Photon

Treatment area: Body / 30cm2

Ultrasonic frequency: 40 kHz

Max. Output power: 20W

Level 2 negative voltage RF Handle piece

Treatment area: Body / 28cm2

Max output power: 60W

Frequency of RF: 1MHz

Depth of RF: 12.5mm

Depth of Pressure: 25.5mm

Max. Negative pressure: 80kPa

Wavelengh Photon light: LED: 650nm Red Light

Sextupolar RF with Photon Handle piece

Treatment area: Body / 17cm2

Max. Output power: 40W

Frequency RF: 1MHz

Depth of RF: 6mm

Wavelengh Photon Light: LED: 650nm Red Light

Level 3 RF with Photon Handle piece

Treatment area: Eye/Face; 6cm2

Max. Output power: 8W

Frequency of RF: 1MHz

Depth of RF: 3mm

Wavelengh Photon Light: LED: 650nm Red Light

Air cooler hammer S-J1-17 Handle piece

Treatment area: unlimited / 6cm2

Heat dissipation methon: Air cooled

Maximum temperature: 43°C

Lovest temperature: -5°C